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What Is Google Schemas? And Types | WaoFamHub

Google Schema

Google Schema

What is Google Schema? (V1) (often called Schema) is a semantic vocabulary of tags (or microdata) that you can add to your HTML to improve the way search engines read and represent your page in SERPs.

What Is Google Schemas ? (V2)

Website Schemas are essentially words or tags in a “shared vocabulary” that can be used by your on-line marketing company (like us!) to talk to search engines like Google & Bing to provide refined searches.

What Is Google Schemas? (V3)

Schema markup, also known as structured data, is the language of search engines, using a unique semantic vocabulary. It is code used to more clearly provide information to search engines in order to understand your content. In turn, this helps provide users with better, more accurate information in the rich snippets that are displayed beneath the page title.

What is schema and why is it important?

Schema is powerful and important. By being able to implement and use this information. You'll not only improve the usability of your site for users visiting and searching. But also climb the search rankings by helping Google show relevant and correct information for your website.

What is the use of schema in SEO?

Schema markup is code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users. If you've ever used rich snippets, you'll understand exactly what schema markup is all about. The schema markup told the SERP to display a schedule of upcoming hotel events.

How do I find schema?

The Schema App Structured Data Tester can be found in the “tools” tab in Schema App. This tool allows you to put in any website URL and it will display the Schema markup found on that page. It is the only testing tool in the world that displays dynamic data and does not cache the results.

Where do I put the schema code?

The pane on the left is your content (your page or HTML code), and the pane on the right is the schema markup tool. To mark something up, highlight it in the left pane. For example, to mark up the title of the article, highlight it by left clicking and dragging over the text you want to highlight.

Types Of Schema

There are three formats of schema markups are common in the most popular search engines.


Organization of Schemas. The schemas are a set of 'types', each associated with a set of properties. The types are arranged in a hierarchy. The vocabulary currently consists of 821 Types, 1328 Properties, and 297 Enumeration values.


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