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AMP Website VS Normal Website | WaoFamHub

AMP Site VS Normal Site

AMP website VS normal website

What Is AMP Site?

AMP (originally an acronym for Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an open source HTML framework developed by the AMP Open Source Project. It was originally created by Google as a competitor to Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News. AMP is optimised for mobile web browsing and intended to help webpages load faster.

What Is Website?

A website (also written as web site) is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. ... Websites are typically dedicated to a particular topic or purpose, such as news, education, commerce, entertainment, or social networking.

Whay AMP Site Load Fast?

AMP-built web pages have a lightning bolt indicator in the search result. This is what an AMP page looks compared to a normal web page: The reason why AMP pages load instantly is because AMP restricts HTML/CSS and JavaScript, allowing faster rendering of mobile web pages.

How To Make AMP Site?

1. Create your first AMP page.

2.Follow the Google Search guidelines for AMP pages.

3. Make your content discoverable by linking your pages. For crawling and indexing, Google Search requires that an AMP page links to a canonical page. The canonical page can be either a non-AMP version of the page or it can be the AMP page itself. For more information, see the What's in an AMP URL? developer blog post.

4.Ensure that users can experience the same content and complete the same actions on AMP pages as on the corresponding canonical pages, where possible.

5.Use the AMP Test Tool to ensure that your page meets the Google Search requirements for a valid AMP HTML document.

6.Use the same structured data markup across both the canonical and AMP pages.

7.Apply common content best practices:

  A. Make sure that your robots.txt file doesn't block your AMP page. Use the meta robots noindex, block indexing, and robots meta tags.
  B. Follow the guidelines for hreflang for language and regional URLs. For AMP specific examples, see Internationalization.

How To Make AMP Site? And AMP Site Code Link :



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